About the MIMO Team

Trey Donovan


Since 2013, I’ve built several iterations of the MIMO websites and the behind the scenes processes that make it work.  I have edited Larry’s audio recordings since the early 2000s. Besides working with technology, I play the cello, build and play guitars, teach butoh dance, design and construct living spaces, and speak both Finnish and Russian (though not always in that order). 

Jade Estrella


When I joined the Mind in Motion team in Autumn of 2014, just like the season, I transitioned from being a veteran Telco Project Manager to being Larry’s right-hand in operational and administrative matters. It has been quite a journey; I’ve learned a lot along the way and continue to so. I appreciate how we make Mind in Motion a Family First place to work. I like to binge-watch series, documentaries about travel, cooking, and history. I love to laugh.

Larry Goldfarb


In September 1983, I founded Mind in Motion to make the Feldenkrais Method of Neurophysical Learning and Coordination Coaching more available. We launched the first version of this website in March 2001, in part to offer the recordings of the Manhattan Feldenkrais Teacher Training as downloadable files. I love to cook, read, bicycle, connect with friends and family, and listen to music, audiobooks, video-on-demand, and podcasts. 

Francis Gifford Espeso


As Mind in Motion’s Cybrarian (”cybernetic librarian“) since 2014, I’m charged with building and maintaining MIMO’s Multimedia Index. Whenever we have a new class or lesson to offer, I create pages on the website. I enjoy working behind the scenes to make sure every user has a smooth experience with the website. During my free time, I enjoy playing Magic the Gathering (a card game) and video games as well as keeping up with my hobbies of collecting toys and sneakers.

Lisa Scott


I’ve been working as Mind In Motion’s controller since 2005. That makes for a lot of questions answered, receipts sent, and bank statements reconciled! One of the best parts of working at MIM’s headquarters is getting hands-on Functional Integration® lessons from Larry.  In my free time, I enjoy dancing, singing, hiking, food, art classes, and a good laugh.